Wednesday, January 21, 2009

new pinhole!!!

i made a matchbox pinhole camera last night. i think it will work way better than the last pinhole i made.
from the front:

from the back:


you can see the two film canisters- one is for takeup. i took a couple of test pictures today, i think i will be getting the roll developed on saturday. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed!


  1. i like you with sunscreen in your eyes.

    also, can't wait to see if the pinholers turn out.

  2. i like me better without sunscreen in my eyes.

  3. the other day I smoked out of what I am pretty sure is the tiniest bong ever constructed, I got super high. That is all.

  4. that's pretty exciting. did it work well?
    was it a camera too?


you know you want to.