Tuesday, October 13, 2009


i love maine in the fall. i love the trees and the breeze and i love wearing heavy sweaters. i love being on the water in the fall, feeling the wind on my face and salt in the air. as interpreted by k.t. Strasse, i present to you, moste proudly, "fall."
for the following pictures, i used asa 160 slide film "velvia" and had it cross processed and printed with negatives.
the portland skyline a bit before sunset. quite a dramatic effect.

a view of my powerboat's console and radio:

the second ugliest building in portland:

420 coming in to dock. it was getting chilly at this point:

my second attempt at a panorama. i'm pleased with the results:


  1. thanks bear!
    i have one more roll, i'm waiting for something really exciting to use i. i think it would be fun to do some portraits with it.


you know you want to.